Make the most of Sports Vouchers Plus!

23 Jan 2025
Venue Discover

The South Australian Government is now offering Sports Vouchers Plus to claim up to $200 of value for selected sports programs at participating venues for children from reception up until year 9. We are proud to be a participating venue offering GOswim swimming lessons vouchers.

Since its inception, more than 697,000 vouchers have been claimed, providing $58.85 million to South Australian families to contribute to eligible activities.  

Belgravia Leisure is is pleased to see the program has been expanded. Katherine Foreman, General Manager, says, “This initiative really does help ease the cost of living for families across the state, and we are pleased that our venues are able to be a part of the program. It’s also worth checking out many clubs which operate within leisure venues, as many of them offer it for their programs too”. 

Find out how to use your voucher today at

To learn more about our programs, contact our team today or check out other participating Belgravia Leisure venues and their programs below! 

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